In this post, I will try to give some effective tips for teaching in class. First of all, there are 3 essential qualities that make a teacher great. Let's have a look at them! They are ;
=) A teacher should be careful with all these three qualities written above. In this case, we can understand that we, teachers, should be " punctual ", which this means that we should be careful with the time itself. We need to enter the class in time. 
=) On the other hand, a teacher should be " serious ". Of course, I am not saying that teachers should not smile or laugh. We can laugh or smile but at the same time we need to protect our seriousness. We should not be close friends with our students. Despite that, do not sulk so much, though! Keep on smiling and laughing in an appropriate way! ;)
=) As a teacher, you need to believe and trust in yourself. Your stance, posture need to be strong. As long as you trust in yourself in depth, your pupils will think that you are a very good teacher. Never forget that posture is important! You can affect your students with your stance both in class and outside. 

   Now, let's give some helpful tips to teach beginners!
  • Warming up the lesson is significant in teaching. Firstly, try to draw students' attention from the beginning of your course!
  • The relationship between you and your pupils is also important. The more students like you, the more they like the lesson and the better teaching will be. ;)
  • Also, you should be aware of the fact that you deal with pupils whose English is too weak. In this case, I can suggest you to be simple and clear when it comes to language use and the way you speak. Please, never ignore those kind of students whose English is weak! You can be sure if you are interested in them, they will start to like your class. 
  • While giving the lesson, you should be like a camera. You should be a very successful observer. In this situation, do not keep looking at one student! You should look around the entire class. If your students feel that you are interested in everyone in class, they will be happy and more enthusiastic to learn and join your lesson and activities.
  • Please, try to learn your students' names one by one and address them by their first names! If they see that you know their names individually, they will be interested in you and your lesson. They'll start to pay attention to you and your class. Namely, they will feel important themselves as you know their names. :) 
  • Do not give a chance to your students so as to make you angry! If you are angry, you won't be able to control your class. Just try to keep calm! You can be sure that when you're silent for a minute, such a situation will attract their attention and they will be mute as well. Probably, they will ask themselves a question like " What's happening here? What does our teacher try to do in front of us? ". 
  • You can also do some educational jokes if you want to break the routine. You can be sure that your jokes will make your young learners laugh. For example ;
E.g. A little girl came home from school and told her mother : " Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do. ".
       The mother exclaimed, " That is terrible, though. I am going to have a talk with your teacher about this. By the way, what was it that you did not do? ".
         The little girl replied, " My homework! ".

E.g. Teacher said : " This essay on your dog is, word for word, the same as your brother's. ".
         Student answered : " Yes sir! It is the same dog. ". :)

E.g. Teacher asked : " Winnie, name one important thing that we have today that we didn't have ten years ago please! ".
          Winnie said : " Me. ". 

   As you see, you can say those kind of jokes that can break the routine of your class finally. Afterwards, you will notice that your students are not bored and loath. 


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